How to Date Sober: Tips for a Successful and Enjoyable Experience

Dating can be daunting when it comes to drinking. Learn how to stay sober on a date or date someone who is in recovery from addiction with these tips.

How to Date Sober: Tips for a Successful and Enjoyable Experience

Dating can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to drinking. But with the right approach, it doesn't have to be. Whether you're looking to stay sober or date someone who is, there are plenty of ways to make sure your date is enjoyable and successful. When people drink, it's easy to lose track of how much alcohol they've consumed.

To avoid this, keep a notepad and pen handy and write down each drink. It takes at least 1 hour for the body to process each drink consumed, so if you have two drinks within the same hour, you are likely to be affected, even if you don't realize it. Adults of legal drinking age may choose not to drink or drink in moderation. This means limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men or no more than 1 drink a day for women.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, any woman who drinks more than 4 drinks or a man who drinks more than 5 in a 2-hour period is not drinking safely, as these amounts constitute binge drinking. If you're looking for ways to sober up on a date, try taking a ride on the Ferris wheel or horse-drawn carriage ride. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, head to a trivia night. Another option is to get some rest and sleep off the effects of alcohol.

When dating someone who is in recovery from addiction, it's important to be open about your goals and set boundaries. Learn the language of their recovery program and celebrate the milestones they reach. Show your support by giving them enough time and space to focus on self-care activities like exercising or volunteering. No matter what your situation is, dating sober can be an enjoyable and successful experience.

With the right approach and understanding of what it takes to stay sober, you can make sure your date is one that will be remembered for all the right reasons.

Cecilia Fukunaga
Cecilia Fukunaga

General beeraholic. Friendly web aficionado. Typical tv trailblazer. Unapologetic zombie nerd. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic. Certified social media expert.